The perfect instrument for teaching and learning music!
The piano, a digital piano, or a keyboard with 88 weighted keys
is commonly accepted as the ideal starting instrument.
It is the best alternative over other instruments
for the following reasons:
- The piano is a user-friendly instrument that offers immediate gratification.
- The piano is the best “starting” instrument
- The piano is already tuned, there is no need to tune or warm-up it before playing.
- The piano keyboard is the best tool to teach music notation.
- The piano keyboard is the best tool to teach melody.
- The piano keyboard is the best tool to teach harmony.
- The piano is the best instrument to teach rhythm.
- Piano is the best rhythmic-harmonic complement.
- The piano is the best instrument to teach the improvisation.
- The piano is the most complete and independent solo instrument.
- The piano has a wide range of pitches.
- Piano requires constant attention to correct posture.
- The piano may help the prevention of RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury).
- The piano is the best instrument to develop finger-hand-body coordination.
- The piano is the most versatile instrument.
- Piano and keyboards offers more freedom
- The piano has a huge amount of repertoire.
- The piano facilitates self-expression.
- Playing the piano can lead to unknown indirect knowledge.
- A piano or keyboard can be connected to a computer.
- Piano playing may offers more jobs.
- Piano and keyboards offers a potential future career in music production, recording and performance.
- Piano can be played by two, four, six, and even eight hands on one instrument.
- The piano is commonly the main family and social instrument.
- Piano develops tactile awareness and memorization.
- Piano study and practice can elicit positive changes in the mind, body, and spirit.
- Children who learn piano do better in school.
- Piano study and playing requires the player’s total self-involvement.
- Piano playing requires the full body participation in a coordinated way.
To examine the arguments supporting each one of this claims please read the post:
Piano: the best instrument for teaching and learning music
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