Mission statement of a commited music educator

Dr. Malán’s vision, mission, attitude, and values.

To make a living with a true vocation serving society in the best possible way with a deep sense of purpose.

“Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of  value.” ~Albert Einstein

Having a sense of purpose, an altruistic meaning for our lives, is the best protection against many psychological (and even physiological) maladies, and is the sure means to reach fearlessness and happiness. In the words of Viktor Frankl, the father of the logo-therapy:

 “Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life; everyone must carry out a concrete assignment that demands fulfillment. Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated, thus, everyone’s task is unique as his specific opportunity to implement it.” Viktor E. Frankl

A conscientious piano teacher must have a dedicated spirit and feel comfortable and happy with who he is and what he is doing. Further, a music teaching business focused solely on making a profit usually produces poor results and sooner or later the lack of interest and added mediocrity on the parts of the teacher and his students will be evident and detrimental for the studio.

A true piano teacher is an open-minded person, with a lot of aspirations and a variety of interests on subjects which may have a profound, even transcendent effect, in our society.  History, spirituality, philosophy, art, psychology, science, and education all feed the soul of a good pedagogue and his students. The background of an ideal teacher is cemented in solid principles and ideals that drive his own life. A joyful attitude toward this brief earthly existence, a good sense of humor, sincerity, spontaneity, and an ongoing grateful reverence for what we have and what we are allows a teacher to be credible, influential, and memorable.

Music as a universal AND sublime language, inspired by Divine forces, cannot be limited and shared by a rigid, uninformed soul, even if he is the most celebrated piano virtuoso. Music teaching It is not only a professional way of making an income it is also a mission, a “Modus-Vivendi” which become is also a way of dreaming, of walking, of playing and thinking. It is the sense of purpose that truly energizes and develops the creative powers, applying them to every particular and test to face or obstacle to overcome.

This broad concept and sense of mission in piano teaching must be the integral propelling force, the line of thinking that permeates the entire educator’s personality. In particular, a piano teacher who usually interacts with students at least one hour a week, week after week, year by year, has a great responsibility. He is a co-educator, a co-molder of the personality of children, a complementor and coordinatator with parents. This responsibility I take very seriously. Whether shy, high-strung, gifted, or a student of limited abilities, each child’s individual personality is evaluated and the lesson geared for them. It is my hope and desire that with careful, ‘hand-crafted’ instruction each student will develop to the very height of their ability and potential.

“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.”~ Albert  Einstein.

RM Piano & Keyboard Studio
Top music and piano lessons in Tallahassee
4012 Forsythe Way